Start managing
phone with
Dr.Fone Basic
Get Dr.Fone to initiate efficient phone backup and
and live stream your phone to larger displays.
Get Dr.Fone to initiate efficient phone backup and
and live stream your phone to larger displays.
Want to save your iPhone/Android photos and music on your computer? Dr.Fone can organize your photos and music into
specific folders, making finding and transferring them to a computer easier.
Regardless of your device - an iPhone, iPad,
Android, Windows, or Mac - transferring data
between devices is seamless and effortless.
Effortlessly transfer music, ringtones, and other files between iTunes and iPhone/Android/PC as you like.
In addition, Dr.Fone helps transfer app files like playlists,
books, Pages/keynotes/Numbers across multiple devices.
Regular backups are vital for data safety. Dr.Fone offers multiple backup solutions that are
essential for a secure and enjoyable experience.
Mirror Android & iOS screens to a computer for seamless collaboration and remote control, no matter whether
you need it for meetings, teaching, demonstrating, or entertainment.
Furthermore, Dr.Fone offers a range of free tools to streamline the daily use and management of mobile devices.
Just download it and start using the tools. No payment is needed.
Furthermore, Dr.Fone offers a range of free tools to streamline the daily use and management of mobile devices. No payment is needed.